The Fish

We focus on giving our big carp the best conditions to reach their maximum growth – and it shows.

We are known for our big head of big carp, with an average over 44lb. The lake was originally stocked in 2001 and there are around 400 carp to 78.8lb (May 2019). We have a mix of stunning scaly fish, fast growing commons to 64lb and our large stock of big mirrors. We have 20+ fish over 60lb and three over 70lb (72lb,76lb,78lb).  The old lake record was Julie at 84.7lb  The three biggest fish now are Mr Magoo at 78.8lb, Moonscale at 76lb and the leather at 72lb. We have a good number of growing fish over 55lb. See the ‘A’ Team here and in the fish gallery below.